Chapter 18 THE LAW OF ICE ALDRIC I should push her away completely distance her fromfor good.
But the very thought makes every fiber of my being roar in protest.
Valeria clearly carries secrets and a painful past .
She deserves a good werewolf.
Someone who can love her unconditionally.
Not a Lycan.
Not even Quinn, who seems to have taken sinterest in her.
I wont allow it.
Hes not worthy of my little she wolf.
No one is .
All Lycans carry violence and darkness within them the curse of destroying what we love most.
And Valeria will be no exception.
Ill end up breaking her into pieces with my own hands.
VALERIA We headed toward the Alphas house, walking through half empty streets.
This pack felt gloomy and damp .
No one spoke much, and the few who dared glance our way did so with suspicion and fear.
I walked beside the King.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtI should be trailing behind him like a servant, but he had orderedto stay at his side, as if I were his equal Once, that might have stirred something in me.
Now, it made no difference.
I was just a maid.
My job wasnt to question his behavior it was to serve and obey.
Your Highness, please, cinto my humble home.
Weve been expecting you.
The chestnut haired man who had barged into the inn earlier greeted us with a bow as we reached a modest two-story house at the end of the street.
As I suspected, he was the Alpha of this pack.
This is my wife, Clara, and my daughter, Adele, he introduced, motioning to the two timid blonde women standing behind him.
Your Majesty, you should have stayed in my home.
If I had known you were coming- THE LAW OF ICE Im fine at the inn.
Besides, if you truly wantedin your pack, you would have summonedproperly.
Wouldnt you? Aldrics words sliced through him like a blade.
The Alpha barely managed a stammered response.
Without waiting for more apologies, Aldric moved past him, heading straight to the dining area for a meal that was now closer to dinner than lunch.
I remained standing in the corner of the room, quietly observing.
What are you doing? Aldrics voice suddenly cut through the room, his sharp gaze fixed on me.
Im waiting ... in case you need me.
What I need is for you to sit down and eat, he snapped, voice heavy with irritation.
I bit my lip, meeting his piercing eyes, summoning what little courage I had left.
Sir, servants dont dine with their masters.
Besides, I already ate at the inn while you were Im only going to say this once more, Valeria.
The Damn.
I hate being lied to.
Now do as you His commanding voice rattled the very walls, and the entire family trembled in fear .
My body locked up.
And my stupid mind screamed, Rebel, rebel, rebel ! like it had finally given up on self preservation. But I wasnt stupid enough to test him.
Not today.
So, reluctantly, I stepped closer to the table, sitting in the chair he pulled out for me.
I subtly shifted my seat further from his, determined not to let our arms brush- And I swore I heard a low, warning growl from his chest.
So, Alpha Edward, Aldric began, his voice calm yet icy.
re told! Why was an ancient relic stolen from your pack, and you neither reported it nor requested assistance ? I had to hear about it from a temple monk during the festival.
The tension in the room thickened as he spoke.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmWithout a word, he took my untouched plate and began sliding the steak, cutting it into neat pieces before placing it back in front of me.
Ill eat it.
But if he thinks this impresses me, hes sorely mistaken.
Y Your Majesty, I didnt want to trouble you with an issue I thought my warriors could handle .
I assumed it was just a few forest bandits And did you retrieve what was stolen ? N No, Your Majesty.
I failed .
I am an incompetent Alpha the man confessed, lowering his head in submission.
THE LAW OF ICE Perhaps he thought Aldric would soften.
But he knew nothing of the Lycan King.
Aldric doesnt forgive stupidity.
I could already tell youre incompetent.
Thats why Ill be staying in your pack for a few days to investigate personally- BANG! interrupted him as a metal tray slipped from the trembling hands of the Alphas wife, clattering loudly onto the floor. Fortunately, it was empty.
Y Your Majesty, please forgive me! It was an accident! Were all just so My husband has been distressed searching tirelessly for those criminals, she pleaded, attempting to ease the rising tension. Across from me, the Alphas daughter offered a shy, nervous smile when our gazes met.
I returned it out of basic politeness.
But no matter how polite the gestures were This was, by far, the most uncomfortable meal of my life.
I could barely swallow the steak, and all I wanted was to get out of there.
When Aldric finally releasedfrom my punishment at the table, I practically fled to the porch, om desperate for fresh air while he continued a private conversation with the Alpha in his study. Are all meals with the King always this ... life or death? A soft female voice whispered near me.
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