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My Hockey Alpha by Eve Above Story PDF

Chapter 484
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Chapter 0484 "If you say so," he replied, but I could sense the reluctance and restrained anxiety in his tone.

"I do. Now go get sdinner, and enjoy your night." *Alright. I love you, Nina." *I love you too, Enzo, Goodnight." We hung up, and I was alone again in the silence of our empty home. I sank onto the couch, clutching my stomach as another wave of nausea hit me. In front of me, my food lay uneaten and cold and not the least bit appetizing. On the TV, the protagonist of the horror movie was paused just as the killer was coming up behind her. And here I was, feeling as though the killer had already plunged his knife into my belly.

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"It's just a stomach flu," I reassured myself. "It'll pass." I was drifting in and out of a feverish sleep, haunted by the surreal landscapes of my dreams, when a sharp pain in my stomach pulledback to reality. This wasn't just nausea anymore; this was something more intense, something that sent alarm bells ringing in my head.

Grimacing, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up, only to be met with a staggering wave of dizziness. I gripped the bedside table for support, my knuckles turning white from the strain.

"What the hell is happening to me?" I muttered.

My wolf, usually quiet unless provoked, growled low in my mind. "You need to see a doctor, Nina. This isn't normal." "I know it's not normal," I snapped out loud as I stumbled toward the kitchen. "But it's three in the morning. What doctor is even available right now?" *Hospitals are open all the time," she retorted. "You need to get checked out." I fumbled through the medicine cabinet, my hands shaking as I searched for sover-the-counter relief. When my fingers finally clasped around a bottle of antacid, I nearly cried out in victory. But as I twisted the cap off, my vision blurred, and for a second, I thought I was going to pass out.

"Nina," my wolf persisted, "don't be silly. This is serious." I looked at the clock. 3:47 AM. "Letat least wait for the sun to cup," I said, as though trying to talk myself out of the reality of the situation. "And if I still feel like this, then I'll go." "You're being stubborn and foolish," she argued, but I ignored her, recapping the bottle and leaving it on the counter The walk back to the living room felt like a marathon. Every step was like fighting a losing battle against my body's cries for help. I couldn't go back to bed; the thought of lying flat made my stomach churn even more. Instead, I lay down on the couch, clutching a throw pillow against my abdomen as if that could somehow contain the pain ripping through my stomach.

But the longer I laid there, the more the darkness of the room seemed to close in onfrom all sides. My wolf was silent now, but I could still feel her concern. It was as if she were sitting beside me, ears pricked, eyes alert, watching for any sign of danger.

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*Fine," I finally said aloud. "I'll go." "It's about time," she replied.

Gathering every ounce of strength I had left, I managed to sit up. My head was 9, but glenched my was still spinning, teeth and pushed through it. I got dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, grimacing with each movement. My fingers fumbled with the zipper, but I got it up eventually.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," I muttered, grabbing my keys from the bowl by the door.

"You're doing the right thing."

I stepped outside, the early moming air crisp and cold against my face. It helped clear my head a little and gavethat last push I needed to get into the truck. As I turned the key in the ignition, I felt the vehicle roar to life.

*Alright," I whispered to myself, gripping the steering wheel as if it were the only thing that could keeptethered to reality. "Let's go." X