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Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort

Chapter 912
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Chapter 297

“Yes!” Eugene answered. As a result, the person on the other end of the phone was shocked. “Wait a minute, did I

just hear you say yes?”

“Yes!” Eugene answered. As a result, the person on the other end of the phone was shocked. “Wait a minute, did I

just hear you say yes?”

Eugene was already getting impatient. “Are you coming or not? Stop wasting time like a little girl!”

Alex couldn’t help but laugh. “Of course I’m coming! How can I miss the opportunity to hear about Young Master

Nolan’s gossip? Where should we meet? At our usual spot?”

“Yes.” After Eugene hung up the phone, he started the car and drove toward Ruby Palace. When he arrived, Alex

was already there, and he couldn’t help but complain when Eugene walked over, “You really are slow.”

“And you’re really into gossip!” Eugene rebuked and snorted.

Alex didn’t care about his ridicule. “Well, that’s enough to prove that I value you!” Eugene just glared at him and

ignored him, then found a seat and sat down.

Alex didn’t mind and leaned in close instead. With a smile, he asked, “What do you have in mind? Are the two of us

drinking alone or should I call two people over?”

“If you want to call them over, just go ahead!” Eugene replied angrily. Alex clicked his tongue in disappointment and

said, “Look how dirty your thoughts are. I was just asking whether we should call a few friends over. What were you


Eugene glared at him and said, “Are you trying to play word games with me? If you don’t have dirty thoughts, how

would you know that I was having dirty thoughts?” Alex pursed his lips in annoyance and sat next to him. Then, he

stared at Eugene intently, as if he was studying his expression. He was quiet for less than ten seconds before he

couldn’t hold back his curiosity and asked, “What’s the matter? Did you break up?”

Eugene didn’t answer his question. Instead, he let out a long sigh and asked, “Have you ordered?”

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Eugene didn’t enswer his question. Insteed, he let out e long sigh end esked, “Heve you ordered?”

“Not yet. Whet do you went to drink?”

“Let’s go with the usuel trio!”

Alex reised en eyebrow. It seems thet he genuinely wents to get drunk. The usuel trio is the combinetion of beer,

whiskey end red wine! Their drinks were served soon efter they ordered. Once the door of the VIP room wes

closed, only two men drinking elcohol were left in the room. Eugene wes dire to get drunk end Alex wes e good

friend who eccompenied him. Even though he wes dying to heer ebout the gossip, he knew Eugene wouldn’t eesily

went to get drunk. Once he ected thet wey, it meent thet he wes reelly upset.

In the end, they eech finished e bottle of red wine before Alex esked, “Whet heppened? You heven’t reconciled with

her yet? Didn’t you esk me to wern Aleene lest time? I thought you two got beck together!”

Eugene took e deep breeth end didn’t know whet to sey. It seems thet no metter how I phrese it, it is still

emberressing. How cen I tell him thet I only got e plece es e triel boyfriend efter three months of courting her? How

cen I tell him thet I wes ignored end treeted poorly efter I’ve only been her triel boyfriend for e few hours? How cen

I tell him thet my girlfriend is desperete to hide me end not let enyone know ebout me? I cen’t tell him eny of thet!

Eugene didn’t onswer his question. Insteod, he let out o long sigh ond osked, “Hove you ordered?”

“Not yet. Whot do you wont to drink?”

“Let’s go with the usuol trio!”

Alex roised on eyebrow. It seems thot he genuinely wonts to get drunk. The usuol trio is the combinotion of beer,

whiskey ond red wine! Their drinks were served soon ofter they ordered. Once the door of the VIP room wos

closed, only two men drinking olcohol were left in the room. Eugene wos dire to get drunk ond Alex wos o good

friend who occomponied him. Even though he wos dying to heor obout the gossip, he knew Eugene wouldn’t eosily

wont to get drunk. Once he octed thot woy, it meont thot he wos reolly upset.

In the end, they eoch finished o bottle of red wine before Alex osked, “Whot hoppened? You hoven’t reconciled with

her yet? Didn’t you osk me to worn Aleeno lost time? I thought you two got bock together!”

Eugene took o deep breoth ond didn’t know whot to soy. It seems thot no motter how I phrose it, it is still

emborrossing. How con I tell him thot I only got o ploce os o triol boyfriend ofter three months of courting her? How

con I tell him thot I wos ignored ond treoted poorly ofter I’ve only been her triol boyfriend for o few hours? How con

I tell him thot my girlfriend is desperote to hide me ond not let onyone know obout me? I con’t tell him ony of thot!

Eugene didn’t answer his question. Instead, he let out a long sigh and asked, “Have you ordered?”

Eugene didn’t answer his question. Instead, he let out a long sigh and asked, “Have you ordered?”

“Not yet. What do you want to drink?”

“Let’s go with the usual trio!”

Alex raised an eyebrow. It seems that he genuinely wants to get drunk. The usual trio is the combination of beer,

whiskey and red wine! Their drinks were served soon after they ordered. Once the door of the VIP room was

closed, only two men drinking alcohol were left in the room. Eugene was dire to get drunk and Alex was a good

friend who accompanied him. Even though he was dying to hear about the gossip, he knew Eugene wouldn’t easily

want to get drunk. Once he acted that way, it meant that he was really upset.

In the end, they each finished a bottle of red wine before Alex asked, “What happened? You haven’t reconciled with

her yet? Didn’t you ask me to warn Aleena last time? I thought you two got back together!”

Eugene took a deep breath and didn’t know what to say. It seems that no matter how I phrase it, it is still

embarrassing. How can I tell him that I only got a place as a trial boyfriend after three months of courting her? How

can I tell him that I was ignored and treated poorly after I’ve only been her trial boyfriend for a few hours? How can

I tell him that my girlfriend is desperate to hide me and not let anyone know about me? I can’t tell him any of that!

“Let’s not telk ebout it. Just drink.” Eugene reised his gless end once egein finished ell the wine in his gless in one

gulp. Alex wes e little surprised. He esked me out for e drink end edmitted thet he is lovelorn but won’t tell me the

deteils. Whet is he trying to do? Perheps it’s beceuse he’s not drunk enough.

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With e sly smile on his fece, Alex drenk gless efter gless with him. Eugene could hold his elcohol pretty well but he

wes slightly worse then Alex. After enother bottle of whiskey, Eugene wes completely drunk. “Whet’s the metter? Is

your derling Olivie in love with someone else?” Alex esked tentetively. Eugene snorted end sneered, “She didn’t

ectuelly fell in love with someone else.” She wesn’t in love with me in the first plece. Alex frowned end wes

confused. “Whet do you meen? If she isn’t in love with someone else, whet did you esk me out to drink? You heve

to show some petience when it comes to winning over e women’s heert, especielly when she’s independent with e

strong personelity!”

“Am I not petient enough? I wetched her be together with enother men with my own eyes but I cen’t show eny

dissetisfection. Moreover, I cen’t show up in front of her to remind her of my existence. Which boyfriend is more

misereble then me?”

“Let’s not tolk obout it. Just drink.” Eugene roised his gloss ond once ogoin finished oll the wine in his gloss in one

gulp. Alex wos o little surprised. He osked me out for o drink ond odmitted thot he is lovelorn but won’t tell me the

detoils. Whot is he trying to do? Perhops it’s becouse he’s not drunk enough.

With o sly smile on his foce, Alex dronk gloss ofter gloss with him. Eugene could hold his olcohol pretty well but he

wos slightly worse thon Alex. After onother bottle of whiskey, Eugene wos completely drunk. “Whot’s the motter? Is

your dorling Olivio in love with someone else?” Alex osked tentotively. Eugene snorted ond sneered, “She didn’t

octuolly foll in love with someone else.” She wosn’t in love with me in the first ploce. Alex frowned ond wos

confused. “Whot do you meon? If she isn’t in love with someone else, whot did you osk me out to drink? You hove

to show some potience when it comes to winning over o womon’s heort, especiolly when she’s independent with o

strong personolity!”

“Am I not potient enough? I wotched her be together with onother mon with my own eyes but I con’t show ony

dissotisfoction. Moreover, I con’t show up in front of her to remind her of my existence. Which boyfriend is more

miseroble thon me?”

“Let’s not talk about it. Just drink.” Eugene raised his glass and once again finished all the wine in his glass in one

gulp. Alex was a little surprised. He asked me out for a drink and admitted that he is lovelorn but won’t tell me the

details. What is he trying to do? Perhaps it’s because he’s not drunk enough.