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Broken Vows by Tessa Montgomery

Chapter 78
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| was done with life when | decided to jump off the roof with tears in my eyes.

And where was my family?

My parents were happy at their adoptive daughter's first day of high school celebration.

My brother was there too, clicking away with the camera and welcoming his new sister to middle school.

As kids, they always had a soft spot for Ashley Schmitt. Being an orphan, she'd always get a bit more of their

sympathy and support.

| was the one who got told to back off if | ever wanted to take back a toy of mine. Any fight was justbeing a


Ashley, with no parents of her own, was living up the life that should've been mine.

I had family, but they were always around Ashley.

When | finally wised up, | understood that what they called fairness was really just being partial.

Never in a million years did | think I'd get a second chance in life from the universe. So when | was reborn, |

decided this tto just not give a damn about anything.

When | saw my folks holding Ashley’s hand, leading her up to



Chapter 8

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my brother and me, it hit me. | was back in the past, a five-year- old again, but with the memories of the past. |

was re-living the snightmare.

Ashley’s parents had died in a bad car crash a few days before she was brought. They were my mom's best

friends, so my mom decided to take Ashley under her wing.

“Ashley is your little sister now,” my mom had said, smoothing Ashley’s hair. “You gotta look out for her.”

Ashley’s eyes were wide and eager, checking out our home. She looked pretty anxious to get her hands on


Before | could complain, she'd play the poor little orphan card to snag whatever she fancied from me.

At first, | was surprised; | did not expect her to be so young and so evil.

“Grace, I'm into your clothes, and I'm into your family, too. I'll grab whatever | like, and you'll end up with

nothing.” Ashley would say this towhen it was just the two of us.

After that, | understood she did not wantas a big sister; she wanted to take away everything from me.

It always madefurious, and I'd just get into fights with her, but as soon as we fought, she'd play the victim,

bawling her eyes out to get my parents’ attention.

Then she denied everything she’d said, accusingof framing her.

Every time, my parents would makeapologize to her and

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then I'd be the one getting punished.

Mom would sometimes makeskip my meals, and other times, makekneel for an hour

If Ashley wanted something, she should get it. If she wanted something of mine, I should not be selfish and |

should just give it to her.

After that, my new clothes, my toys, and everything were handed over to Ashley. But that wasn’t enough for her.

She also took my friends, my innocence, and everything.

Just like Ashley said, she’d take it all from me.

With such an unfair past, why did the universe wantto relive it? | couldn't help but feel down, sad, and


“Grace, from now on, Ashley is your sister. Don’t worry. We are fair, and we'll love you both the same.” That was

what mom used to say at the beginning.

“We are just a bigger, happy family now.” That was what dad said that day.

Even if Ashley took my stuff without asking, | wasn’t allowed to fight back or show any resentment, or else I'd be

the selfish one. | was only a month older than Ashley.

And | tried to be nice to her, that first day, | was really trying my best to be supportive and a good big sister.

| offered her sof my toys, | even offered her to sleep within case she was afraid. She would just smile at


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Then my parents would ask her how she was feeling and she would cry, surprising my parents, my brother, and

“What's wrong Ashley? What happened?” My mom asked her.

Ashley, all scared-like, would always cling to my mom and play the victim. “Margaret, does Grace hateor

something? Maybe | should go home.”

My mother, who once was so nice and attentive towards me, would now look atwith disapproval and


| couldn’t understand why they couldn't see how she was manipulating them.

My dad looked atwith a mix of emotions. “Grace, we've taken in Ashley, and she’s staying with us now. |

want you, as her elder sister, to be mature and take care of her.”

My brother chimed in, “Ashley, don’t be afraid. Witharound, no one in this house will dare to bully you.” My

folks looked at him with approval.

Overnight, Ashley had taken my place as the favored daughter in the Parrish family.







